Who We Are

We are everyday people like you: teachers, nurses, grandparents, scientists, friends, young families with small children, and individuals from all different walks of life, who are bound by a common belief in the hope God offers us through His son.

The Christadelphians have attempted to get back to the faith and character of the early Christian church in New Testament times. The name 'Christadelphian' has been in use for about 150 years. It comes from two Greek words and means "Brothers and Sisters in Christ". 

We are located in over 120 countries throughout the world with large groups of Christadelphians in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, North America, India, Asia and Africa. We are a lay community; each congregation is called an 'ecclesia' (the Greek New Testament word for church). We have no paid clergy or church hierarchy. All members contribute their time and energy voluntarily in service. A strong common belief binds our community together.

Join Us!


Sunday Service
11 a.m.

Adult and Children’s Sunday School classes
9:30 a.m.

1536 James Avenue, Redwood City, 94062

What We Believe

As a part of the worldwide community of Christadelphians, we believe:

God is one

We believe that God alone created the universe and us. He alone has immortality and is the source of all life. He lives in our lives and is present with us through our journey. He is the definition of love, truth, righteousness and justice.

God has a plan

We believe that God isn’t random or unknowable, but has a plan for us and desires us to know Him. Because He loves us so greatly, redemption is a part of that plan, both for the world and for each one of us. We can be a part of that plan and promise through believing God’s Word – the Bible – and obedience to its requirements that we confess our sins, repent, be baptized, and follow Jesus faithfully.

God gave us His word

We believe that the Bible is God’s one and only revealed message to mankind, the inspired word of God on which we can base our faith and our way of life. 

God has a son

We believe Jesus is God’s son, born to fulfill His plan and invested with God’s power (His Holy Spirit). Jesus is the perfect embodiment of God’s love, His character, and His plan. Jesus’ love for his Father and his believers was so great he willingly submitted to death, and was raised again immortal to sit at God’s right hand as our savior and king.

God’s son was born for us

We believe Jesus was a man like us, experiencing every hardship and temptation that we do, and yet still chose a life of perfect submission to God. As a human in every way, Jesus knows and understands the struggles of life we face on a daily basis. In our sinful state, we have powerful desires to go our own way and need Jesus for salvation.

God gives us hope

We believe we live in a world made imperfect by sin, and the ultimate consequence of that sin is death. But we also believe God’s plan for redemption through Jesus gives us great hope. We look forward to a time of new life and resurrection on earth with His son, who will return to have dominion over a kingdom free from all of the hardships we face today.